- I have placed spacers between both the front and rear spars and the building board just as I did with the center section. The spars are held in place by magnets on both sides, spaced by scrap balsa the same thickness as the spars.
- I lined up the ribs one at a time in position over the plan, checked alignment with a square, and glued each to both spars.
- All the ribs for the panel are in place here.
Here the balsa leading edge is in place and I have trimmed the laminated tip bow to fit.
The tip bow is glued in place.
I have cut a length of 1/16" x 3/4" balsa to fit the right top trailing edge piece and glued it.
This is the 1/16" sheet top trailing edge piece. I have sanded a taper into it so the bottom piece, which is identical, will fit to form a solid joint.
I used odd strips of wood clamped in place with clothespins to hold the top and bottom trailing edges tight together and STRAIGHT while the glue sets.
This is the assembled trailing edge from the rear, ready for sanding.
There's always somebody who has to have the last word. This is Atia, a Bengal cat we rescued from an abusive environment. Those of you who remember the HBO series "Rome" will understand the name.
Good day Bob. For anyone buiding along, be aware that there are two E series ribs that are marked “tip”. They are shorter than the other E ribs.